4 Step Process During Meeting
You want to this conversation all about the student-athlete. Ask questions but let the family and athlete dominate the conversation. You want to build them up and talk about their great stats, college level ability and more. The more they talk about the great things, the better. They should think to themselves, “I am good, I have good grades, I have good stats.” 1. WHAT ARE YOUR GOALS? What level of the NCAA do you think your skill set is best suited? What are your measurables? What positions do you play? What other sports do you play? What level did you play on this season at your high school (Var, JV, Freshman)?
2. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT RECRUITING STATUS? Are you receiving any recruiting contacts (letters, calls, emails, visits, offers). Worksheet #1. What steps have you taken?
3. WHAT BARRIERS ARE YOU FACING AT THE MOMENT? The transition to barriers is huge in the process! After the athlete and family build up their successes, discuss their stats/awards and talk about their ability, you want to transfer to barriers and breakdown their wall so to speak. They are meeting with you for a reason. If they had scholarship offers and constant college contact, there would be no point of meeting. You want to play on emotion. Ask what is the reasons for the disconnect. If they have the ability and grades, surely a school would be looking at them. Say… 1. Is it because you are in a small town? 2. Is it because your team is not as good and coaches do not come in? 3. Is it because your coach is busy and cannot send hundreds of message a month to recruiters on your behalf? 4. Is it because you lack knowledge of the recruiting process? 5. Is it because you lack the proper connections to college programs? 6. Is it because you lack presence/exposure on social media? You want the family to ponder their shortcomings in the recruiting process and plant the seed that assistance is needed.
4. THIS IS HOW OUR PROGRAM CAN HELP: Education/Action Steps, Social media/Online Brand Building, College Connections.